164 g
9-1/8” (233 mm) blade, 2-1/8” (55 mm) heel height, brut de forge flat grind
1095+15N20 random pattern damascus
Bronze, oak, black paper micarta, spalted silver maple on handle
Tweed and Ambrosia 9” Chefs
Twisted Teal Paring
58 g
4” blade with integral bolster, flat grind
1095+15N20 twist pattern damascus
Stabilized sugar maple on handle
Driftwood Integral 8” Gyuto and 5” Chefs
Integral bolsters, slightly convex grind
1095+15N20 twist pattern damascus
Driftwood on handle
Osage Orange Gyuto
Bronze bolster, hollow grind
1095+15N20 random pattern damascus
Osage Orange on handle